Sunday, February 28, 2010

Editorial #2

George Will: A Cure for Character
Summary: The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), which is essentially psychiatry's encyclopedia of mental disorders, is currently being revised. George Will points out how many of the new "disorders" being added to the DSM are in actuality simple moral flaws. Newly classified disorders like "Narcissistic personality disorder" were once seen as personality flaws (in the case of narcissistic personality disorder, being full of oneself). Will writes that by classifying new diseases, the DSM is giving people an excuse to indulge in immoral behavior, for they can hide behind their vices as a "disease" that they can do nothing about.
Opinion: A think that George Will has pointed out a big problem in today's society. When people exhibit character blemishes, or even commit crimes, it is their fault--not some sort of societal abuse that caused them to do so. Yes, there may be scientific evidence to suggest that some sorts of poor behavior are more prone to be exuded from some people than from others, but this is still no excuse to indulge in that wrong behavior. People need to start taking more personal responsibility for their actions and moral behavior instead of hiding behind the façade of a "disability" or shifting responsibility onto "societal abuse".

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Editorial #1

Some Republicans "Get It"-- And Some Still Don't
: Austin Hill writes about Washington's current handling of the financial crisis and the backlash from Americans that it has created. He points to Scott Brown's surprise victory in the Massachusetts Senatorial election as evidence that Americans are unhappy with the Obama administration and Congress' handling of the economy (namely their introduction of more big government "solutions"). As the GOP scrambles to capitalize on this public discontent, Hill writes that some Republicans still don't seem to "get it" and that they are still on board with the Obama big spending, big government policies.
Opinion: I agree with Hill. It seems to me that the Republican party is a bit of a mess right now, with the conservative wing of the party working to get the moderate, almost progressive part of the party on board with a unified agenda. While many Americans are upset with Democratic policies and the expansion of government into the private sector, voting Republican may not be the answer, for many Republicans are just as guilty of big spending as are Democrats.