Saturday, March 20, 2010

Editorial #5

Bill O'Reilly: Paging Doctor Kildare
Summary: A recent survey by the Medicus Firm shows that if Obamacare is to pass in Congress, about 30 percent of primary care physicians will consider leaving their medical profession. Doctors, as smart people, can see that with universal health care, the cost of care for all the new people will increase dramatically while their salaries may even decline. O'Reilly points to the federalized health care systems of Canada and Great Britain as proof that there will be a shortage of doctors if Obamacare passes: in these two countries, it is almost impossible to see an actual doctor. O'Reilly concludes by saying that these doctors are simply reflecting the opinion of the American public about healthcare. Many Americans are simply sick of the federal bureaucracy's attempt to get involved in health care, and nothing can change that.
Opinion: I find it hard to believe that doctors will actually leave their jobs of Obamacare passes. Sure, they might disagree with federalizing health care, but I do not think they would leave their steady paying jobs over an ideological disagreement. I do, however, agree that most Americans do not want their health care to be run by the government, and Congress is simply not listening to them. President Obama was recently quoted as saying in relation to health care, "[The American people] are waiting for us to lead...they don't want us reading polls". While it is never good to make decisions solely to bolster popularity in response to polls as a president, if polls are showing that the majority of Americans (the people that the President and Congress represent) do not want a piece of legislation passed, lawmakers need to respond to the will of the people they represent, not their own ideological agendas.


1 comment:

  1. Emile, I'm sorry but if you're quoting Bill O'Reilly I can't take your post seriously.
